BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//香港六合彩玄机, Event Calendar//EN BEGIN:VEVENT STATUS:CONFIRMED BEGIN:VALARM TRIGGER:-PT60M ACTION:DISPLAY DESCRIPTION:Reminder END:VALARM TRANSP:OPAQUE LOCATION:香港六合彩玄机 Campus Field House DESCRIPTION:- Learn more about the event here: /events/d etails.php?id=62419 X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:

Wear your best jersey and support the Men's volleyball team! Watch them as they play North Park. Stop by the CAB tabl e to get some free cheese curds from Culvers

Concordia students

There is no registrat ion required for this event

Click here to learn more about the event.

DTSTART:20250122T010000Z DTEND:20250122T010000Z SUMMARY:Men's Volleyball: Jersey and Cheese Curd Night URL;VALUE=URI:/events/details.php?id=62419 CATEGORIES:Campus Life DTSTAMP:20241221T215352Z UID:67678d5029c83 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR