
Our motivation

Concordia University's mission statement asserts that we are "a Lutheran higher education community committed to helping students develop in mind, body, and spirit for SERVICE to Christ in the Church and the world." This mission drives what we do each and every day. At the heart of our mission is service. We serve because God first served us. He sent Jesus into the world to save the world. Christ died on the cross to pay for our sin. He redeemed us. His sacrifice brings us forgiveness and eternal salvation. Indeed, we believe Jesus is our Lord and Savior. This faith now motivates us to share God's love in tangible ways. We want others to see Jesus in us. We want the world to see God's compassion, to feel His love, and to embrace His plan of salvation.

Our service

Our faith comes to life through service in many and varied ways at Concordia. You can see it in the service learning that is embedded in so many of our courses. You can see it in our Campus Ministry efforts led by hundreds of dedicated students who serve local and global communities in dozens of different ways. You can see it in our student athletes who perform hundreds of community service hours every year. And you can see it in special campus events such as the Respite, our four blood drives, our Spring Break mission trips, our annual Week of Service, and the amazing service projects delivered by our Psychology Department.